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Fitograph caption ep 16
January 26 2020 0 comment K2_HITS_PAGE_VIEWS

Fitograph caption ep 16

Fitograph caption ep 16:

#膕繩肌 的拉傷可以說是眾多肌肉拉傷佔的比例較多,因此加入不同的膕繩肌力量訓練能有效預防拉傷的風險。

今次的Fitograph 希望為大家解答。

Bourne, M. N., Timmins, R. G., Opar, D. A., Pizzari, T., Ruddy, J. D., Sims, C., ... & Shield, A. J. (2018). An evidence-based framework for strengthening exercises to prevent hamstring injury. Sports Medicine, 48(2), 251-267.

#AASFP #fitness #infographic #fitograph #hamstring #tear #training #semitendinosus #biecepsfemoris #musclestrength #performance #power #injuryprevention #trainer #coach #personaltrainer #視覺資訊圖表設計 #膕繩肌 #半腱肌 #股二頭肌 #預防運動創傷 #膕繩肌拉傷 #運動表現 #訓練 #教練